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Are You Staying Curious, or Staying Distracted?

Today I was on my daily beach walk and was listening to the HUMINT podcast by Shane Hanner ft. Corey Hess (will link this powerful episode below). They create a beautiful conversation around Zen Embodiment, internal process, and how to translate esoteric practices into daily life. They dove into deep honesty with oneself and it sparked some interesting internal conversation for me.

Why am I feeling so much more joy now than I was 6 months ago?

Note: this was right around the time that I quit my 9-5 job and set off on a deep soul searching journey.

My answer, to my own question, is curiosity. But even deeper than that, it’s honesty.

When I was working in corporate America I had created a version of a powerful business woman in my head. I put myself on a path to be that person. My vision, for some reason, had not incorporated creativity. When I was asked to be creative in an engineering design project I would act like it wasn’t my strong suit. This small act of internal dishonesty turned into bigger moments of dishonesty until I was all of a sudden lying to myself about being happy in my career. I was using my stable, safe career to stay distracted from the fact that I wanted to make a change. I was distracting myself so that I wouldn’t have to think about “what the hell will I do if I’m not an engineer” or “will I be good at being an entrepreneur” or “will I not be this successful business woman if I choose a less corporate career?” Basically, I was distracting myself from finding my true life’s purpose.

When I finally released my very corporate, engineering identity it really felt like I was honest with myself for the first time in years. Almost like leaving a bad relationship that you knew you needed to leave long before you actually did it. An enormous weight was lifted.

In unraveling the dishonesty in myself, I also rediscovered creativity and a curiosity for life that I was lacking in the previous version of myself.

Listening to podcasts, reading, painting, singing, rubbing sand all over my body. Essentially, I became a kid again.

As always, my purpose of this is not to have you read my whole life story… it’s to ask you a couple brutally honest questions for you to sit with: what distractions in your life have you created that are pulling you away from your truth? What distractions have you used to strip away your creativity?

Mine was my career. But I’ll name a few that I think all of us can relate to: TV, social media, & partying. We get so involved in other people’s lives and FOMO these days that most of the time we pull ourselves away from finding our deepest joy.

Think about the happiest people you know and I guarantee most of them are children. And do you know why? Curiosity.

So instead of spending time on your phone, I urge you to try something new. Read a book, listen to a new podcast, do art, do karaoke, get a little tipsy and dance in your living room. Just explore life!

I truly believe staying curious is a key to being honest with yourself. Don’t let your typical daily activities guide you away from the exciting exploration that is life. And DEFINITELY don’t lie to yourself about being happy with those repetitive, mundane tasks.

Dive deeply into your mind, explore subjects that will spark internal conversations, & find your true, raw joy.

XO - Cami


I'm now offering 1:1 healing sessions where we will dive deep into your life and allow you to acknowledge, face, and feel trauma & suppressed emotions so that you can find your deepest joy. And yes, we will incorporate creativity. :) Click the button below to learn more!


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